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Head Direct HE5 con HF5

Iniciado por mrarroyo, Diciembre 19, 2009, 19:26:01

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Howard Wolowitz

Una pregunta Miguel ¿El EF5 tiene selector de ganancia?. Me refiero a si se puede seleccionar high gain o low gain. ¿Van bien con grado?-

Y si no.....Stax


Creo recordar que sí tiene selector de ganancia. Si miras en la foto, en la parte de atrás de la power supply a la derecha del cable, se ve un pequeño jumper.

En cuanto a si va bien con Grado, ni idea ;)

Howard Wolowitz

Gracias....lo han puesto bien a la vista. :P

Y si no.....Stax


El "jumper" que se ve en la parte trasera es para seleccionar el voltage de salida. El EF1 usa 16V y el EF5 18V. EL EF5 tiene selector de "gain", este se encuenta en la parte de arriba adjacente a al ventana de "plexiglass" hacia el frente del ampli.

Howard Wolowitz

Muchas gracias Mrarroyo. Me tienta, me tienta....¿Qué tal con Grado?. ¿lo Has probado?.

Y si no.....Stax


Te dire que con el tubo original prefiero el Graham Slee Solo SRGII moviendo tanto el HE5 como el Grado RS1. Esta observacion la puse originalmente en el reporte del "mini meet" con Ron (HiFlight), el penso lo mismo. Tratare con diferentes valvulas para ver si logro atenuar la energia de las notas altas.


Part II – January 24, 2010

Today I decided to roll some tubes on the EF5 starting with a TungSol 12AU7. I also decided to:

1.   Remove the "cage" around the tube to facilitate the rolling of tubes. IMO the "cage" not only makes the rolling of tubes more difficult than it needs to but it also impedes cooling of the tube. Although in all honesty the tube in this amp barely gets warm.
2.   I installed a Herbies Halo, not so much because it helps in all situations but because I happen to have a few laying around and they do look cool.
3.   Like the EF1 I feel the Plexiglas "window" although nice to look at does not allow for optimal cooling. The EF5 does have additional cooling via slits on the sides and bottom. Nonetheless I opted to install an o-ring under each of the four screws holding the Plexiglas "window" thus adding an small air-gap all around it. Time will tell if it helps or not.
4.   Replace all four plastic feet from both the power supply and the amp section. One thing that has bothered me a lot with both the EF1 and EF5 (it is nitpicking I know) are the hard plastic feet used. These feet do hold the amp in place when you insert or retract the ¼" plug, instead the amp slides all over. The other problem is that you cannot stack them, the stock plastic feet are thin and when you stack the amp on top of the power supply the faceplates touch leaving the amp cantilevered on the faceplates. I ordered from eBay ( ) two sets of elastomer feet that hold the units in place and allow them to be easily stacked.

Here are a few pictures of how the units look now. I will be testing the setup over the next few days to see if the new tube or other tubes improve the sound.