General => Discusión general (Off-topic) => Mensaje iniciado por: Pill en Octubre 09, 2014, 01:32:01

Título: Headphones, Barcelona
Publicado por: Pill en Octubre 09, 2014, 01:32:01

I am going to visit Spain, Barcelona soon and would like to buy headphones there. Could you recommend me a big shop with wide range of headphones? It's important to have a chance to try headphones before buy. I am mostly interested in the following models:

Shure SRH1540
V-Moda M100
Denon AH-D600

Thank you and sorry for English :)
Título: Re:Headphones, Barcelona
Publicado por: Raul_77 en Octubre 09, 2014, 01:57:42
Hi Pill:

Happy days, Raúl
Título: Re:Headphones, Barcelona
Publicado por: Pill en Octubre 09, 2014, 13:05:55
Hi Raúl,

Do they have stores in Barcelona?
Título: Re:Headphones, Barcelona
Publicado por: caromire en Octubre 09, 2014, 14:54:48
Hi, No this store is in Bilbao, a bit far...

Raúl, Raúl lo de Rusia te sienta fatal. :)

Venga chicos de Barcelona poner tiendas para ver auriculares.

Título: Re:Headphones, Barcelona
Publicado por: abroba en Octubre 09, 2014, 15:41:19

Salu2!  :)

Título: Re:Headphones, Barcelona
Publicado por: Pill en Octubre 09, 2014, 17:20:18
Oh, now I know what "auriculares" means in Spanish. Thanks, I will try these shops.
Título: Re:Headphones, Barcelona
Publicado por: abroba en Octubre 09, 2014, 18:55:42
You have the option of the Media Markt stores.,2.1487679,12z/data=!3m1!4b1

There you can try many headphones, and connect to your smartphone. So, to your music  ;)

Salu2!  :)

Título: Re:Headphones, Barcelona
Publicado por: Pill en Octubre 09, 2014, 19:14:45

Is there chance to find the models I mentioned in the 1st post? Austrian Media Markt didn't have any :-\
Título: Re:Headphones, Barcelona
Publicado por: Bec en Octubre 09, 2014, 20:53:57
Welcome Pill,

Maybe you can try Fnac, near Plaça Catalunya.
They sell a lot of headphones, and you can try some headphones in the store:


Título: Re:Headphones, Barcelona
Publicado por: nserra en Octubre 09, 2014, 23:37:41
Near plaça Catalunya you have some shops where you can try headphones, but I've been there a lot of times and I haven't seen any of the headphones that you mencioned  :-\.

In Style Sound they have Audio Technica and Denon, but I don't know if they have them in the shop to try.

Good luck!
Título: Re:Headphones, Barcelona
Publicado por: Tommy en Junio 19, 2015, 22:57:30
I know it is late but it may help others as well. Close to the University district down town there is a strip called Carrer Sepulveda where you'll find close to 40 or more single shops for PA + Music Equipment all flawors.....