Noticias: el foro sobre auriculares en español

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Comparacion De Cinco Amplificadores Portatiles

Iniciado por mrarroyo, Noviembre 11, 2008, 18:18:57

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Comparison Of Five (5) Portable Headphone Amps:

Today I spent a couple of hours comparing the following five (5) portable headphone amps:

o   MiniBox-E+
o   RSA SR71
o   RSA SR71A
o   Xin Reference
o   iBasso D3

I used a 160 Gb iPod Classic filled with Apple Lossless files, for a line out I use an ALO Six Shooter (6 strands of Silver wires), and for headphones an Ultrasone PROline 2500. For music I used Barney Kessel's Corcovado (Quiet Nights) from his CD Autumn Leaves.

First I would like to make sure that everyone understands that the differences are not night and day. All and any of these amps are very good and would make any user happy. Furthermore the type of headphones, source, music type, cables, and yes your own ears will determine what you hear and what you would prefer. At the end of the day the each and every one of us should listen to truly be able to decide which is best for our specific application. If like me, you may find that keeping two or more of the portable amplifiers are not out of the question.

Another item is burn-in. I believe in it and thus why it has taken so much time for me to provide follow-up to my previous post. The SR71A has about 950 hours, shy of the 1,000 I was shooting for. The Reference has 550 hours short of the 800 hours which IMO the 22,000 uF cap needs, although at times I think that 1,200 may be the real number of hours to have in the Reference. The iBasso D3 as well as the MiniBox-E+ have well over 750 hours of burn-in.

One item of interest to many here is the type of batteries. Some believe that batteries with low resistance and slow discharge are best. To that effect both the SR71 and the SR71A were tested with Tysonic 200 mAh low discharge batteries. I need to get eneelops for the MiniBox-E+ and for the iBasso D3, for this test I used alkaline batteries. The MiniBox-E+ has a built in 18 volt battery so that is not easily replaceable.

The added burn-in has made the SR71A much closer to the original SR71. However I still hear a little better detail an air between the notes in the SR71. The SR71A does have a more in your face presentation as compared with the SR71 which IMO has a bit wider soundstage than the SR71A. The bass definitely has more impact in the SR71.

Next I compared the iBasso D3 with both the SR71 and the SR71A. IMO its soundstage is in between (although closer to the SR71). I also believe that its overall presentation is closer to the SR71, with just a tad less clarity and not as much air between the notes. Nonetheless it has a very nice presentation with the added benefit of a built in DAC, and lower cost.

When I compared the SR71 with the latest Reference I could not decide which one I like best. I found their soundstage to be on par, however the bass had a bit more impact and weight on the Reference while the SR71 was a bit more extended. Very picky on my part but that is what I heard.

Left for last the cheapest of the five (5) amps, the MiniBox-E+ (stock configuration, two AD8610). Well IMO there is no contest, this was the best sounding of all, it does what the SR71 and the Reference do but better.

So as of now with the Reference shy of its target burn-in of at least 800 hours (1,200 better) I would rank them based on the amp section sound quality as follows:

1.   MiniBox-E+
2.   SR71 tied with the Reference
3.   D3
4.   SR71A

Some have asked me if the amps are quiet or not via IEM's. Yes, the only qualifiers would be:

1.   The iBasso D3 volume pot was scratchy as you rotated it. Once in a fixed position I could not hear any noise.
2.   I could hear some light noise with the SR71A in high gain and with the volume pot past 2 o'clock. If you are here you are DEAF, I see no reason to be in high gain pass 2 o'clock with IEM's.

Some closing notes:
1.   If you need a USB DAC get the iBasso D3, it is a bargain.
2.   If you need to drive ¼" and 1/8" headphones get the Reference.
3.   If you need extended playing times (200 hours per set of alkaline batteries) get the Reference.
4.   You already know which one I think you should get for the best sound.
5.   REPEAT: The differences are not night and day. So if you already have one of the 5 amps no need to go and buy another (unless you really want to)

I will update on this when the Reference reaches at least 800 hours (10 days from now) of burn-in. Possibly again at the 1,200 hour (4 weeks from now) mark.

PD: I have sent Dr. Xin an email to discuss if he can improve the treble extension and perhaps a bit more detail/clarity.

Howard Wolowitz

   Me interesa el Ibasso d3, y quería formular una pregunta de novato. ¿Valen para cualquier reproductor de mp3, o necesariamente tienen que poseer una salida line out?. ¿Se puede conectar a la salida de auriculares del mp3 o tiene que tener salida especifica). Me interesa la portabilidad sobre todo,  y sobre todo el hecho que tenga el dac incorporado. Ahora mismo funciono con un iriver e100, que no me parece especialmente bueno en cuanto a calidad de sonido pero que con ecualización y el  fiio e3 es aceptable.

Y si no.....Stax


¡Excelente trabajo, Miguel! Gracias por compartirlo con nosotros :)

Creo que, a pesar de que los oídos, -como bien dices-, son diferentes, y que probablemente muchos usuarios no estén de acuerdo con tus resultados, nadie podrá dudar de tu objetividad: para alguien que se ha declarado públicamente fanboy de Ray Samuels (no sé si también del Dr. Xin, pero me imagino que sí) poner de primero en el podio a un ampli chino de una marca menos conocida habla por si mismo.

Sólo quisiera puntualizar/preguntar 2 cosas:

- El Minibox E+ está descatalogado si no me engaño (out of stock), no?
- ¿Siguen existiendo esperas tan largas para recibir los productos de Xin? (Yo mismo desistí de pedir un Reference cuando leí en Head-Fi el famoso hilo sobre los tiempos de espera)


Howard Wolowitz

Cita de: jorgillo en Noviembre 11, 2008, 20:39:48
- El Minibox E+ está descatalogado si no me engaño (out of stock), no?


He estado mirando por ahí, y creo que lo tienen en:

Y si no.....Stax


Cita de: rantamplan en Noviembre 11, 2008, 20:51:06

He estado mirando por ahí, y creo que lo tienen en:


Cierto... no se me ocurrió mirar ahí... colleja para el moderador ;D


Tratare de contestar a lo mejor que puedo.

1. rantamplan la idea de conectar una unidad a traves de la salida del auricular en vez de un "line out" no es la mejor. Esto porque estaras amplificando la distorcion generada por el amplificador interno. Si decides hacerlo pon el volumen de la unidad mp3 al 75% mas o menos.

2. Jorgillo, gracias por el comentario. Soy un fanatico de Ray y de Xin, ambos hacen productos excelentes. Las esperas se han reducido en la ultimas dos semanas, el Dr. Xin esta enviando 5 a 10 unidades diaramente. Personalmente yo esperaria dos semanas mas antes de ordenar para asegurarme que el puede mantener dicho paso. Te dire que el Reference que tengo necesita por lo menos 250 horas adicionales de "burn in" tambien que el Dr. Xin me envio unos capacitadores de 1,000 uF para hacer una pequena modificacion al reference. Esta modificacion debe anadir mas detalle y claridad al Reference. Los mantendre informados.




Gracias Miguel!!!

Yo tengo el Minibox e+ y he de decir que no desmerece, todo lo contrario, frente al Larocco PRII y al Diablo.

Es un buen ampli, de precio razonable, tuneable (se le pueden cambiar opamps), que ocupa poco y suena muy bien.



Today I spent some time comparing the 12,000 uF Reference (about 400 hours of burn in) w/ the 22,000 uf Nichicon cap w/ a 1,000 uF Panasonic Cap Reference (about 1,100 hours of burn in). They are close, but to me the 12,000 uF version had a longer decay as wel as being a bit faster and thus a bit better impact.

Next, I will replace the 22,000 uF Nichicon w/ a 22,000 uF Panasonic and its 8.2 uF cap. I will let that combo burn-in for at least 150 hours and then I will compare it w/ the 12,000 uF Reference.