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Masterizado para iTunes

Iniciado por nepro, Febrero 22, 2012, 14:40:31

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"Apple is now accepting high-quality masters from engineers because its new encoders can preserve more dynamic range, resulting in better quality music for the consumer to download.


Instead of sending it to CD and then having the AAC files ripped from that, mastering engineers can now use Apple's tools to create custom ACC files from the high-resoultion master.

Apple even documents the trend towards louder mastered music, commonly referred to as "the loudness wars" and offers tips and advice. With music being so loud these days, running a song through any encoder will often cause clipping — it's the nature of encoders. However, one of the tools Apple provides to engineers allows them to check the ACC files for clipping and then make adjustments before the songs are sent to iTunes.

Some people think that mastering for a digital format is silly, but it's downright stupid to ignore iTunes. Apple is the largest distributor of music and if you don't think that improving the quality of your music for millions of people, then you don't really care about your fans."


"Andy VanDette, chief mastering engineer for Masterdisk in New York, recently remastered 15 Rush albums for iTunes. He talked to Bloomberg Businessweek's Devin Leonard about the process and how Mastered for iTunes could change the recording industry."