Noticias: el foro sobre auriculares en español

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¿Alguien quiere comprar NVA?

Iniciado por Raul_77, Julio 07, 2012, 16:29:27

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Por lo que parece, Richard Dunn está empezando a hacer planes para su retiro:

[Again people say why don't you expand the company, make more product and publicise and promote it. Well been there done that, worn the t shirt. I ended up in an office dealing with problems, ordering, selling, hiring and firing, I don't think I picked up a soldering iron in one four year period. That is not me, I want to design and build things. BUT it does mean a form of managing my work load. Now the obvious solution that many others do is to put up prices until work level meets desire level, but again that is not me. If NVA is left with a legacy it will be that it produced excellent music for very good value. Now legacy is becoming an important part of my thoughts, should NVA die with me when the time comes (as I have no intention of retiring even though just hitting 65), but you never can tell with health and I already had one shock last year with the lung operation. It is a problem that is occupying me, should I find a partner to train and continue the company or just get a young grasshopper to help me when I move. I have tried for the former and got very close but things interfered. Or I could slowly withdraw from ebay and just sell through the forum just on a word of mouth basis.]

Precisamente las crisis son los momentos para hacer los mejores negocios. Antes de que se queden con la compañía los chinos quizá haya alguien que esté buscando donde invertir.

Saludos, Raúl
Una de las principales características de las medidas en Audio, es que se toman en condiciones que nunca se dan en la realidad


Hola Raul_77,

Has probado el amplificador de auriculares NVA - AP10H?  Podrías hacer algún comentario e impresiones? Gracias.



No, lo siento. Conozco el resto del material de cuando llevaba el servicio técnico de NVA, y de tener yo mismo material de la marca. Pero por aquel entonces NVA no fabricaba ningún amplificador para auriculares, no puedo decir nada al respecto.

Saludos, Raúl
Una de las principales características de las medidas en Audio, es que se toman en condiciones que nunca se dan en la realidad