Noticias: el foro sobre auriculares en español

Menú Principal

Clásica, oferta Hyperion

Iniciado por nepro, Octubre 04, 2011, 00:51:10

Tema anterior - Siguiente tema


Durante el mes de Octubre, por cada £10 de compra en formato FLAC o ALAC Hyperion regala otros £10 en créditos.

Hyperion vende música para descarga por "track, work or disc" con "metadatos" -tags- muy detallados. ie, "liners notes and sung texts in the Lyrics tag"

Now's the time to try downloading

Spend £10 on Hyperion downloads before the end of October 2011 and we'll credit £10 to your download account to be used against future purchases.

Terms & Conditions
1. £10 credit can only be earned once per user and/or billing address.
2. You need to spend £10 to earn the credit. This spend excludes redemption of already purchased pre-pay credit.
3. Credit will be applied to your account during the first week of November 2011; applied credit can be used only to purchase downloads, but is not time-limited.

Hyperion en una discográfica independiente británica con grabaciones muy interesantes, ie:

Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
The Complete Songs

Founded in 1980, Hyperion is an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.


Sello y tienda muy recomendables, he comprado unos cuantos FLACs ahí, voy a tener que darme una vuelta ;D
"Nada en el Mundo es más peligroso que la ignorancia sincera y la estupidez concienzuda"
Martin L. King


Pistas de muestra gratuitas para evaluar:

Free downloads for testing

Hyperion downloads contain as much additional information ('metadata') as possible. This includes cover artwork and, where available, commentaries, sung texts and translations. Please note, however, that not all media players read all of this information; it is all freely available on this website, as are complete PDF booklets. (We regret that we are unable to provide printed booklets to accompany downloads.)