Noticias: el foro sobre auriculares en español

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Idealsound (ebay) ha sido sancionado

Iniciado por loignoro, Julio 12, 2008, 18:17:23

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La tienda de ebay Idealsound (, ha sido sancionada. Ebay ha retirado todos los productos que tenía a la venta. No sé si será de un modo definitivo.

Desconozco si también tiene problemas la tienda online que tienen fuera de ebay (Discountheadphones). (

Estas últimas semanas servían productos sin problemas pero no respondían a ningún mensaje, ni en ebay ni a través de su tienda online, lo que les ha acarreado más de un voto negativo.

Os copio el mensaje que me ha mandado ebay:

For privacy reasons we can't tell you exactly why we ended the seller's listings.

As eBay removed the item, you are no longer obliged to send payment for it. Please don't send money or respond to any emails from the seller.

If you've sent payment but haven't received the item, please wait a reasonable period of time for delivery. If you don't receive the item, please contact us again by clicking "Contact Us" on any eBay Help page and selecting the following contact options:

Buying and Finding>Fraud and Payment Concerns for Buyers>Item Not Received or Item Not as Described (you paid)

For additional information about buying and selling safely on eBay, please visit our Safety Centre by copying the following link into a new browser window:

As always, our priority is to ensure that eBay remains a safe and reputable place to buy and sell. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you've already received the item, please disregard this notice.


eBay Trust & Safety


yo les he pedido unas puntas de silicona de Shure hace 2 semanas, y mes encontre en el buzon de correos al volver de viaje el viernes, les he comprado un par de articulos y siempre han cumplido, sera por los ultimos cambios de reglamiento que estan aplicando,
