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Goldmund is using Pioneer DVD parts

Iniciado por ccontreras, Abril 16, 2008, 19:51:08

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Goldmund is using Pioneer DVD parts in all its recent models of CD/SACD/DVD players, simply because they were the best designed. Goldmund has, for each new model, clearly announced which Pioneer model was used and how deeply they were modified.

The recent surge of interest manifested in a few forums about that extraordinary "discovery" may look quite hilarious for our faithful customers who know that for long and know why they bought the Goldmund machine !
But it may also look detrimental to new readers who did not read our announcements and may be mislead by the conspirational and some time offensive tone (inspired by competition ?) that comes with it.

For all those we strongly encourage them to do a listening test between the models mentioned (including competition) and find out by themselves why people are really buying the Goldmund in such a quantity...

Or, are we wrong and do some people buy a CD player to only look at it ?

Anyhow, thanks to all of those who wrote, nicely or not, about us. As they say, the worst people can say about a company is... nothing.
So thanks for the free advertisement.

Que esas modificaciones cuesten miles de imposible, que opinan ustedes?
Portable: iPhone 3G - NuForce NE-7M
System: Grado RS-1 - Grado RA-1 - DVPNS999ES Auricap Mod.


Cita de: ccontreras en Abril 16, 2008, 19:51:08

Goldmund is using Pioneer DVD parts in all its recent models of CD/SACD/DVD players, simply because they were the best designed. Goldmund has, for each new model, clearly announced which Pioneer model was used and how deeply they were modified.

The recent surge of interest manifested in a few forums about that extraordinary "discovery" may look quite hilarious for our faithful customers who know that for long and know why they bought the Goldmund machine !
But it may also look detrimental to new readers who did not read our announcements and may be mislead by the conspirational and some time offensive tone (inspired by competition ?) that comes with it.

For all those we strongly encourage them to do a listening test between the models mentioned (including competition) and find out by themselves why people are really buying the Goldmund in such a quantity...

Or, are we wrong and do some people buy a CD player to only look at it ?

Anyhow, thanks to all of those who wrote, nicely or not, about us. As they say, the worst people can say about a company is... nothing.
So thanks for the free advertisement.

Que esas modificaciones cuesten miles de imposible, que opinan ustedes?

Pues que es una tomadura de pelo habitual de las que hay en el mundo HIFI....No es la unica eh? Hay muchas mas.....pero bueno, tampoco quiero entrar en polemicas  ;D ;D
