Noticias: el foro sobre auriculares en español

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Tipos de AKG K501

Iniciado por Quimi, Junio 10, 2009, 22:10:01

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Hola, al parecer hay varias versiones de este auricular. He encontrado comentarios y algunas fotos:

Small holes don't have much to do with soundstage/openness, they just steal bass. Seems like AKG first made all the holes open (V2), then closed some (V1), then sealed all bass-sucking small holes, opened headstage-improving bigger holes and changed the cushions, so for the three versions we have:
V2 - the oldest one, least bass, most open - probably the best headstage (though I haven' tried one).
V1 - Both bass and openness compromised - worst headstage expected (this one seems the most common version and this is the version I own)
V3 - The most wise configuration - widely known to have the most bass (partly due to new cushions) and probably having the headstage closest to V2.

AKG might have released the K601 just to make a major facelift to K501 and to point that there is no more bass lacking in the new version.

Versión 1

Versión 3