Noticias: el foro sobre auriculares en español

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Colocación AKG K701

Iniciado por Quimi, Mayo 03, 2009, 02:53:38

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He leído que varían mucho su sonido, dependiendo de cómo esté el dónut rodeando la oreja.
Parece que hacia delante dan el peor sonido, centrado regular y hacia atrás el mejor.
¿Qué opináis?

IMO, the K701 is VERY sensitive to placement on the head and where the driver sits relative to the ear. The ear-hole space within the donut pads is quite large and circular shaped. This provides a myriad of different potential positions for them to rest on your head surrounding your ear. When they are centered comfortably on my head, the sound is not so great. The more forward I move them toward the front of my face, the worse the sound gets. The further back I move them toward the back of my head, the better they sound. Unfortunately, in order to get them to sound their best, they have to be much further back than intended; it's not comfortable and it forces the headband back on the top of my head to the point where it becomes a bit unstable and could slip off my head entirely.

IMO, the sound shift when positioned "correctly" is quite dramatic, if not night and day. I suspect, part of my problem *may* be a fit issue related to my head shape/size. But I have a *much* stronger suspicion it's more of a design flaw in the cans themselves; I've never experienced anything like this with any other phones. When positioned correctly (and/or with further burn-in), the K701 goes from "almost unacceptable" to "half-way decent, actually". :D I'm liking them a lot more than before (he said before unloading even more critical comments).

Aquí hay una review bastante completa comparándolos con los ¡¡¡R10!!!:


Jo, ¡ si que se puede rizar el rizo con esos AKG  ;D !
Previo  / Etapa ROTEL 970
DENON 2900
B&W DM 620


No es solamente el K701 que los "pads" van puestos en una posicion especifica. Lo mismo ocurre con otros auriculares come los Denon D2000/5000/7000. Si te fijas los "pads" del K701 tienen un area que es mas espesa que el resto, esta va hacia la parte posterior. Esta posicion a sido discutida en otros foros, claro esta siempre hay una(s) personas que opinan diferentemente. ;) Suerte.


Cita de: mrarroyo en Mayo 03, 2009, 17:05:41
Esta posicion a sido discutida en otros foros, claro esta siempre hay una(s) personas que opinan diferentemente. ;) Suerte.

Hola Miguel, ¿qué se suele opinar sobre este tema?


Quimi la mayoria concuerda con la posicion del lado grueso en la parte trasera.


¿Habéis podido probar algo?


Yo prefiero la parte gruesa hacia atras. (ojo en algunos sitios puedo ser botado por hacer este comentario ;))


Miguel, yo me refiero a esto:

IMO, the K701 is VERY sensitive to placement on the head and where the driver sits relative to the ear. The ear-hole space within the donut pads is quite large and circular shaped. This provides a myriad of different potential positions for them to rest on your head surrounding your ear. When they are centered comfortably on my head, the sound is not so great. The more forward I move them toward the front of my face, the worse the sound gets. The further back I move them toward the back of my head, the better they sound.


Quimi, yo no noto mucha diferencia en el sonido. Pero hacia atras suenan un poquito mejor.
