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Tutorial: Surface Mount Soldering

Iniciado por nepro, Enero 08, 2008, 18:58:59

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Tutorial en video y fotos:

Surface Mount Soldering
Contents and Introduction:

Surface Mount components, as the name suggests, attach to the surface of boards, not through holes like older components. SMDs ("Surface Mount Devices") are lighter, cheaper, smaller and can be placed closer together. These factors, among others, mean that the days are numbered for through-hole components with widely spaced leads.

This set of guides will demonstrate (relatively) inexpensive tools and methods for soldering and desoldering SMDs. The first page, Surface Mount Soldering 101, contains a 9 min. video overview. The pages that follow contain more pictures and go into more detail. They also cover some topics not in the video, like hand soldering a QFN chip and using solder paste with a toaster oven.


Impresionante documento  :o :o

Muy bueno, si señor

-- o --
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