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Yuin G1A and G2A

Iniciado por mrarroyo, Marzo 17, 2009, 00:17:25

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Hoy recibi de Head Direct un par de sus nuevos auriculares compactos. Los G1A y los G2A, estos utilizan el mismo tipo sistema de los Koss KSC35/75. Segun Fang el dueño de Head Direct necesitan unas 100 horas de rodaje el cual acabo de comenzar.

Los probe nuevos y les dire que me gusto mucho el sonido el cual es tirando al "warm" (como se dice en castellano). Espero que el rodaje los separe un poco pues nuevos es dificil justificar el G1A cuando el G2A suena tan bien y tan parecido. Una foto de las unidades recibidas sigue.

Si desean leer sobre estas unidades favor de ir a: o

Howard Wolowitz

¿Son cómodos este tipo de auriculares?. Nunca he probado unos y tengo curiosidad.

Y si no.....Stax


Al principio te cuesta un poco por la presion que ejercen en la oreja, por detras. Ademas tienes que aprender a ponertelos, como si los enrroscaras en la oreja.
Al cabo de un tiempo y el ajuste a la oreja cediendo, son realmente comodos.
Por mi experiencia con los Koss, claro.
Reproductores: Ipod 4g 20Gb, Ipod 5g 30Gb, Sansa Clip 2Gb, Sansa Fuze 8Gb
Auriculares: Sennheiser Px100, Sennheiser HD485, Sennheiser CX300, Koss KSC 75, Yuin PK1, Yuin Pk3, Etymotic Er-6i,
Amplificadores: FiioE3, Fiio E5


En mi opinion son muy comodos. El problema es ponerselos, especialmente si usas espejuelos. Yo me quito los espejuelos para ponerme este tipo de auricular y entonces me pongo los espejuelos.


Despues de rodarlos por 49 horas han tenido un poco de separacion y el G1A suena un poco mejor. Este tiene mas detalle y aire entre las notas. Espero que con 48 hora adicionales continue mejorando y separandose del G2A, digo esto pue aunque ambos me gustan continuo pensando que el costo del G1A esta un poco alto comparado con el G2A.

Howard Wolowitz

Me interesa tu opinión como sustitutos de unos um2, ya que no me interesa el aislmiento ni la portabilidad.
Más o menos calidad..(es para el trabajo conectados a un iphone 3g)

Y si no.....Stax


Bueno, hoy despues de rodarlos por 120 horas los compare. Desgraciadamente hice el escrito en ingles.  :o

Today (March 21, 2009) I compared the Yuin G1A with the G2A. As a point of reference I compared both with the Yuin OK1. FYI both the G1A and G2A had 120 hours of burn-in, and Fang of Head Direct who provided the two samples indicated that 100 hours of burn-in would be sufficient.

The source used was a 160 Gb iPod Classic filled with Apple Lossless files. The music was extracted via an ALO Six Shooter line out feeding a Xin Reference using the latest C5 board.

This time I decided to use the music by Peter White, specifically the album Excusez-Moi.

I will start that any of the three will find a potential user, also that all three sound quite different. This difference might be sufficient for certain users to have at least two of the three as I foresee my case will be. I will also say that I was very surprised at the outcome and could not have foreseen it. I should mention that I am not a person who likes to use clip-on headphones. I have had a Koss KSC35 and it did not get much use even though in my opinion sounds great, especially at the price of $5.00 sold by Radio Shack.

First I compared the OK1 ($229) with the G1A ($149). The OK1 has more punch/impact with a front row presentation. The highs were more extended and the lows better defined, both contributed to a more in your face presentation. I found the G1A to have a mellower presentation with mids being very "sweet" and enjoyable. I also found the G1A to have a slightly wider soundstage than the OK1. Both units have the same impedance (150 ohms), however the OK1 has a sensitivity of 109 dB versus 105 dB for the G1A. This could be heard; I had to pump up the volume on the G1A a bit to get the same level. Perhaps the fact the OK1 is inserted into the ear versus the G1A laying on it accounts for some of the additional volume needed with the G1A.

I then switched to the G2A ($49), which due to its lower impedance of 60 ohms and a sensitivity of 110 dB was the easiest to drive of the three models tested. I found the lows and highs to be almost as extended as those in the OK1, with a very nice level of detail and clarity not usually found in units of this price range. The sound stage was wider than the OK1 but a tad narrower than the G1A but closer to the G1A. In my opinion the G2A has combined the better sound qualities of the OK1 and G1A at a much lower price.

Based on sound quality to price ratio the G2A is the better and by a fair margin over the OK1 and G1A. Based on sound quality alone it would be a tough call, depending on the mood and what you are trying to achieve the nod could go to either the OK1 or the G2A. One thing to consider is the ease which with the G2A can be driven, so if you are going out and do not wish to use an amp the G2A would be the one to use. From the perspective of comfort and ease of use the OK1 is the clear winner. Note: I make this statement due to my dislike for clips of any kind, please keep that in mind when you read this comparison. By the way, those with small ears may find the OK1 enclosure a bit large and may not wish to use the foam covering over the OK1. As an option the PK1 is a smaller unit offering 95% of the sound of the OK1.

So in closing the G2A is a great sounding unit (soundstage wise better than the OK1) and a definitely "Best Buy" however due to ease of use it will get used at home on weekend mornings when I am relaxing or during vacations at the hotel or resort. For every day office use I will continue using the OK1. This because they are easy for me to put them on as well as take them off. Perhaps if I did not wear reading glasses the G2A would be the portable unit I would use the most.

Once again Yuin has brought out a fantastic product at one heck of a great price. Oh, did I not mention you would be surprised by the comparison?

Howard Wolowitz

Gracias por la review. La comodidad es algo muy importante para mi, por eso después de casi un año de uso he decidido vender los UM2, ya que resultaban un poco molestos. He probado los auriculares tipicos de boton (marca acme), y por comodidad creo que son los que compraré, lo que no sé es si serán los pk1, pk2, ok1 u ok2...

PD He leido algo por ahí y creo que me voy a tirar a por los ok2, ya que los voy a utilizar sin ampli y con un iphone y un iriver, que no da mucha chicha.
Y si no.....Stax